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Interview: Talking German and ‘I’m Your Man’ with Star Dan Stevens

Did you know that Dan Stevens can speak German? I sure didn’t, and that made part of watching I’m Your Man at the 2021 Toronto International Film Festival such an interesting experience. It was via a link, and I was exhausted, as all festival goers tend to be, so at first I thought I might have screwed with my link’s language settings. But no, that’s really Stevens speaking fluent and dramatic German. In that moment, I knew I had to talk to him, so luckily a press day was fast approaching, one I was able to take part in. In the midst of the fest, I hopped on Zoom to spend some time discussing the movie and the performance with Stevens. Today, it comes to you.

Below, you can see my interview with Stevens. We talk broadly about acting, specifically about I’m Your Man, and generally just seemed to have a good time. He’s a lovely man, charming as all hell, so it wasn’t much of a hardship, that’s for sure. All of the appeal he generates on the screen, it’s here in the interview as well. I had a really good time with him, helping to have a nice laugh during a hectic time up at TIFF.

Speaking of TIFF, this is a selection from our festival review here on the site:

Indeed, the film deliberately tries to be aromantic and serious. Yet, it still manages to be funny and depict a sincere chemistry between its main characters. This is largely due to the pitch-perfect performances from Eggert and Stevens. Eggert expresses her character’s growth with a subtlety and nuance that is crucial to the film’s resistance of phony or formulaic romcom tropes. Meanwhile, Stevens nails the deadpan humor of a robot trying to understand and simulate some of our most peculiar human attitudes and and feelings. As such, their burgeoning friendship feels organic and unique.

Here now is my conversation with I’m Your Man star Dan Stevens. Enjoy:

I’m Your Man hits theaters next weekend!


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[…] Festival, handles a science fiction premise in a very grounded manner. When I spoke to Dan Stevens (here) about the movie, I was enamored with his performance, as well as ability to speak fluent German in […]



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