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Interview: Helena Zengel on her Golden Globe and SAG Nominated Turn in ‘News of the World’

Anyone who grabs the lion’s share of the critical acclaim in a Tom Hanks movie is doing something right. When you’re a young actress like Helena Zengel, that’s doubly the case. Earlier this week, I spoke to Zengel on the phone about her work in the film News of the World. That happened a few days prior to her grabbing nominations from the Golden Globes and Screen Actors Guild. Citations from the Globes and SAG have her on a collision course with an Academy Award nod in Best Supporting Actress. Regardless of if an Oscar nom occurs or not, Zengel is here to stay as an exciting young actress.

Below, you can hear my conversation with Helena Zengel. We spoke plenty about News of the World, including what spoke to her about the script, prep work, acting opposite Hanks, and more. She was lovely, and couldn’t have been sweeter. You can just tell the enthusiasm in her voice, showcasing the love she has for the craft. At the same time, you hear how she’s just a kid, even if she’s mature for her age. All of this made her a pleasure to interview. Again, this chat happened right before her Golden Globe and SAG nominations, which boosted her Supporting Actress chances substantially. Stay tuned to see if she gets nominated, but the odds are definitely in her favor now…

Here’s my interview with Zengel. Enjoy:

News of the World is available to watch now!


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[…] Readers, we have a wonderful opportunity for you. Do you want to see Paul Greengrass’newest picture News of the World? How about owning it? Well, you’re in luck! We’ve got a giveaway for one lucky person to win a digital copy of the award-winning film starring Tom Hanks and SAG and Golden Globe nominated actress Helena Zengel (who we interviewed here).  […]


[…] neither of them got the attention that young Helena Zengel received. Zengel (who we interviewed here) came close to an Oscar nod for her supporting turn in News of the World, holding her own against […]



Written by Joey Magidson

Film Review: ‘Strip Down, Rise Up’ Discovers Life-Altering Strength from an Unexpected Source

Awards Season Update: Pondering the Golden Globe and Screen Actors Guild Nominations